Transitional Math

Transitional MathTriton College partnered with district high schools to offer Transitional Math to their students. Faculty from the high schools and the college collaborated to develop and offer three transitional math courses: Technical Math, Quantitative Literacy and Statistics, and STEM. Almost all high schools in the Triton College district offer at least one of these courses. Students must qualify, and a passing grade can be used to bypass Triton’s math placement test, which guarantees the student placement into a variety of credit level math courses at Triton College, saving them time and money. All other community colleges statewide and some state universities will accept passing grades from these courses as placement into credit level math. This website is meant to be a reference for teachers, students, parents, and counselors wishing to learn more about Transitional Math. Interested students or parents should contact math faculty, a counselor, or an administrator at their high school to learn more. High school faculty, administrators, and counselors with questions or looking to work with Triton college can contact for more information.

The Foundation of Transitional Math

About Transitional Math

Course Offerings Listed by High School

Benefits of Transitional Math

Choosing the Right Transitional Math Course

Student Eligibility Requirements

Guaranteed Placement

Portability Codes